
Last updated: May 30th 2024

Get up to £500 support for Chemistry Week 2024

Chemistry Week 2024 is taking place 4–10 November 2024, and we invite you to celebrate chemistry and chemists throughout the whole of November 2024 under the theme chemistry is shaping the future.

You could get up to £500 in grants toward an activity to get your students thinking about how chemistry is all around us, how it can shape our future and their future career. Themes could include (but are not limited to):

  • Clean air/water
  • Clean energies
  • Sustainability
  • Climate and environment
  • Careers in chemistry

Applications are open now and there will be 3 rounds with deadlines on 5 August, 9 September and 7 October. For more details go here

Partnership Grants for students with special educational needs and disabilities

Schools can apply for funding to support investigative research projects that are specifically tailored for students with SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities).

The grant enables schools to purchase equipment to carry out investigative STEM research projects in science, mathematics, engineering or computing. By taking part in these projects, students will have the opportunity to develop essential skills, such as problem solving and data handling skills, readying them for the future world of work. 

There needs to be two project partners to the scheme with the lead applicant being a school and the second partner being a STEM professional from academia or industry. Funding should predominantly be used to buy equipment. As the project involves SEND students, there are a few key areas of added flexibility in the eligibility and judging criteria.

There are three submission deadlines at the end of April, June and November.

Details here.

The Edina Trust Science Grant Scheme

NEW AREAS FOR 2023-24 SCHOOL YEAR - Denbighshire, Newport, Torfaen

Edina TrustThe Edina Trust offers £700 primary school science grants and £500 early years science grants. Grants are available in a local authority area for three years, after which we move on to new areas.

It’s quick and easy to access as the grants are non-competitive, meaning you are guaranteed to get funding if you are in one of the current areas. 

Schools can use their grants for: 

  • Science resources 
  • Science weeks 
  • Scientific visits (in or out of school)
  • Improving the school's grounds for science
  • Gardening equipment
  • Science subscriptions

Details of the simple application process are here

Funding for School Climate & Biodiversity Projects 

The Royal Society is inviting applications to their Tomorrow's Climate Scientists Programme to give students across the UK the opportunity to take action to address climate and biodiversity issues.

Grants of up to £3,000 are available to UK primary or secondary schools to run a STEM investigation project for students aged between 5 and 18. There needs to be two project partners to the scheme with the lead applicant being a school and the second partner being a STEM professional from academia or industry. Funding should predominantly be used to buy equipment. 

There are three submission deadlines at the end of April, June and November. 

Details here.

Gopher Science Lab grants

The Royal Society of Biology is offering state-funded secondary schools in the UK an opportunity for two teachers to host a Gopher Science Lab, lab day with invited primary schools, in their school or held as a hybrid event, and supported by a small grant of £500.

This includes access to RSB’s Gopher Science Lab online training course to enable the school to train some of its students to deliver the lab day teaching with support from the two lead science teachers. Secondary school teachers working in UK based, state-funded, secondary schools can email Amanda Hardy to apply on behalf of their school for a small grant, which is intended to support schools and their students who  for financial reasons would not otherwise have the opportunity to run their own lab day. 

Details here.

Foyle School Library Scheme

The Foyle School Library Scheme accepts applications from state funded schools in the United Kingdom.  The scheme recognises that there is no statutory requirement for schools to have a library and that many school libraries are in a poor state through underfunding and underdevelopment.  Encouraging children to read widely from an early age will provide a major boost to improving literacy levels, which is a key educational objective.

Schools can apply at any time for between £1,000 and £10,000. 

This funding opportunity will come to an end on September 30th 2024.

Details here.

The Royal Society of Chemistry Outreach Fund

Our Outreach Fund provides financial support to members, individuals and organisations in order to enable them to run chemistry-based public and schools engagement activities.

Through the fund we aim to support projects that:

  • build the capacity and opportunity within the diverse chemical science community (including RSC members) to engage with a range of audiences in order to nurture a current and future generation passionate about the chemical sciences
  • offer a range of effective curriculum-enriching activities and opportunities to further engage and inspire school students with the chemical sciences and raise aspirations
  • provide under-served, hard-to-reach audiences, communities and places with inspiring chemistry engagement opportunities, delivered or coordinated by skilled people

The Royal Society of Chemistry Outreach Fund is split into two categories: small grants - up to £5,000 and large grants - up to £10,000.

Details here.

Funding for Projects that Promote a Better Understanding of the Environment and Countryside (UK)

UK based schools and not for profit organisations can apply for funding to the Nineveh Charitable Trust for a broad range of projects and activities that promote a better understanding of the environment and countryside, whilst facilitating improved access, education and research.

Whilst the Trust does not specify a minimum or maximum grant amount that can be applied for, an analysis of previous grants would suggest a maximum of £5,000 per year for up to three years. Previous projects supported include Castlemilk Day Nursery which received a grant of £5,000 to build a multi-function shelter with provision for special needs teaching; and St Joseph's Specialist School & College, which received a grant of £4,000 towards a community garden expansion. 

Applications can be submitted at any time.

Details here.

A&S Landscape guides to writing Grant Applications for schools

There are many grant providers which award funds to schools, but it can be hard to find the right scheme and write a successful application. This web page contains a range of free resources to assist you in securing funds for your school. Including an extensive list of grant providers and a free ‘Writing Successful Grant Applications’ guide.

Details here.

The Royal Society Partnership Grants

Do you have a great idea for bringing research alive in school?

Partnership Grants of up to £3,000 are available to schools to enable students, aged 5 – 18, to carry out science, technology, engineering, mathematics, computing or data science projects. Additionally, introduced in 2020, there is a new extension to the scheme called Tomorrow's climate scientists. This extension will fund schools to research specifically into climate change and biodiversity issues. The application process for Tomorrow's climate scientists is the same as for the main scheme.

Why apply for this scheme?

The Partnership Grants scheme offers up to £3000 to UK schools or colleges to buy equipment to run a STEM investigation project in partnership with a STEM professional (research or industry). Successful projects:

  • Deliver a better understanding of the latest developments in STEM;
  • Improve perceptions of those working in STEM professions;
  • Give students pride and ownership in STEM from participation in the investigative process.

Who can apply for this scheme?

Whilst the initial application must be started by the school partner so that they are the primary applicant, there needs to be two project partners on the same application form. The partnership needs to be established before starting the application. The two partners are: 

  • School partner (the primary applicant): any teacher or support staff at the main school, such as a computing teacher or a science technician; and a
  • STEM partner: an individual that is currently working in a STEM related profession, such as a researcher or analyst. 

The 2024 application round will open in February 2024 with three possible submission deadlines across the year.

Details here.

The Ironmongers' Company STEM Grants

In response to the much publicised skills gap in the British engineering industry, the Ironmongers’ Foundation wishes to support initiatives that encourage talented young people to study science subjects at school and go on to pursue engineering-related further education or vocational training. The Foundation works in partnership with other organisations to deliver specific projects, which must meet the following criteria:

  • Grants are made to registered or exempt charities only. Projects involving corporate partners must have charitable purposes and be for public benefit, not private gain.
  • Activities must be within the UK, with a preference for urban areas outside London and particularly areas in the north and midlands with a manufacturing presence.
  • Preference will be given to projects engaging young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. Participants must be under the age of 25.
  • Activities must be additional to those funded by government or other sources e.g. covered by school budgets. The Foundation prefers to support smaller projects where its contribution can make a real difference.
  • Projects should have clear objectives and measurable outcomes.

Deadlines are December 1st, April 1st and August 1st.

Details here.

Royal Society of Chemistry Enhanced Equipment Grant

Royal Society of ChemistryThese funds are awarded against bids for equipment that cannot be purchased through a school’s mainstream teaching budget and which would enrich the learning experience of students in either primary (science) or secondary (chemistry) studies.  

In particular, this would be for equipment that supports delivery of the practical aspect of chemistry education and an application will be enhanced by a demonstration of the diversity of application of the equipment within and between student cohorts.

The application will be made by a teacher at a primary or secondary school for up to £1000.

Details here.

Royal Society of Chemistry Funding for Chemistry Clubs

The funds are targeted at activities run at schools/ colleges outside the normal science timetable which may be focused on generating interest in chemistry in all ability levels or which may provide opportunities to stretch and challenge the already able and motivated.  

Applications from existing chemistry clubs looking to expand/ enhance activities would be welcome as would those from colleagues interested in starting a club.  

An application would need to indicate how the longevity of the proposal was ensured and how best practice and experience from it might be shared within and between other (perhaps feeder) schools.  

The application will be made by a teacher at a primary or secondary school for sums up to £1000.

Details here.

Groundwork list of Community Grants across the UK

Groundwork has a page on its website dedicated to grants for community groups and projects around the UK.

More information available here

Funding for Capital Projects in Secondary Schools and Sixth Form Colleges (UK) 

From May 2019, secondary schools and colleges that have reached a level of excellence will be eligible to apply for a grant of up to £50,000 towards 50% of the cost of capital projects through the Wolfson Foundation’s Secondary Education programme. Sixth form colleges are eligible to apply for up to £100,000.

The Wolfson Foundation’s Secondary Education Programme is primarily dedicated to supporting the teaching of A-Levels and GCSEs at high-achieving state-funded schools and sixth form colleges.

Schools and colleges that have reached a level of excellence determined by a combination of criteria, but mainly through the receipt of an outstanding Ofsted assessment, are eligible to apply. 

More information here.

IoPW Funding

Do you have ideas for extra-curricular opportunities for your students?

The Institute of Physics Wales’s Public Engagement grant scheme is designed to give financial support of up to £750 to individuals and organisations running physics-based events and activities in Wales. 

This grant scheme is open all year round and applications will be assessed by the Institute of Physics in Wales Committee. Successful applicants will be notified by email of the outcome within six weeks of the closing date.

The Institute of Physics centrally also offers grants of up to £600 to schools.

Details here

Funding for Metallurgy and Materials Science Education (UK)

The Worshipful Company of Armourers and Brasiers is one of the leading charities in the UK supporting metallurgy and materials science education. From primary school through to postgraduate levels, funding is available for science equipment and projects, or travel to scientific events or institutions.

Primary schools can apply for grants of £600 and Secondary schools for £1,000.

Details here.

Awards for All (UK)

Awards for All supports a wide range of activities in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, including education, heritage, environment, health, community activities; and in most countries, sports and arts.

One example of a school that has recently received funding is Treloweth Community Primary School in Cornwall. The school will use funding of £9,940 to create a learning hub for the community. This will improve facilities and create an environment for various activities, including family learning, drop in sessions for parents and after school clubs.

Applications are received on a continuous basis.

Details here.

 Free Trees for Community Groups and Schools (UK) – Woodland Trust

Schools across the UK, nurseries, colleges, universities, and other groups can apply for up to 420 trees to improve their local environment. Tree packs available include hedging, copse, wild harvest, year round colour, working wood, wild wood and urban trees.

More information here.


Grants4Schools was launched to help schools access the many different grant schemes available to them. Our aim is to provide a one stop funding information service to schools.

There is a charge to subscribe.

Details here.